You must agree to these rules before entering the forum:

Because of the fast growth of the HLDS 101 forum, some rules must be implemented. The whole moderation team will make sure that each and every member follows these rules:

1) No flaming, no swearing, no racist comments, no sexist comments and no “showing off”

2) Post in the correct forum! General discussion about servers and the website goes into General , server problems go into the HLDS Support section, operating system discussions go into the Operating Systems section, discussions about games go into the Game Discussions section and everything else belongs to the Off-Topic forum.

3) Search before posting! Most of the problems or questions you encounter will already be answered either in the HLDS 101 website, Google, or in the forums. Please research before posting your problem and please use the flashing Search button which is located at the top of each forum's page.

4) Don't post for nothing! This forum's goal is not to have the most posts as possible; it's to share resources and information with other members. Small posts such as “lol”, “yes”, “ok”, “y” aren't accepted here. If you're replying to a problem, be sure to have a solution to the problem. Don't just post useless stuff such as “How can you be running a server on such a slow computer?” Posting a problem several times won't help you.

5) Provide a descriptive subject when posting! Choose a descriptive subject when you post problems or anything else. Don't write those as a subject: “Help!!!” “Problem” “Dumb problem” “Please help me” or “Paulius help me”, you're better at providing subjects like these: “Configuration file parsing error”, “Memory dump dialog” or “Server exploding when full”.

6) Use proper English vocabulary and syntax! Posting on a forum must be regarded at a same way as a creative writing at an English class. When posting, use proper English grammar rules, correct vocabulary and structure your text (i.e.: separate your text into paragraphs).

7) Post intelligent questions! If possible, don't ask lame questions such as “How many slots can my server have?” Instead, run your server at 32 slots and check at how many players it will start to lag. Practice and experimentation is always a key to success in gaming and servers.

8) Do not post questions addressed to the webmaster or moderators! The fact is, we have a life and we're not here 24/7 on the forums. Do not post subjects like these: “Paulius!!! Please help!!!” or “Paulius look here”. The forum is viewed by a great number of visitors and those visitors will likely answer your question faster than the webmaster itself.

9) Do not private message or email the moderators for help! We don't have time to give private and personalized support for everyone. You are better off to post your problem in the forum and research before asking.

10) Edit your post instead of posting more! If you omitted a detail in your initial post, please edit it instead of posting another post stating the details.

11) Preview your post before posting! Preview your post and check for errors that you've likely made.

12) Last but not least, do not ask to be a moderator. Moderators will be chosen for people who deserve to be a moderator and who pass a moderation test. If you think you have what it needs to be a moderator, PM Paulius and ask for the link for the moderator's classification test.

If you do not follow these rules, any moderator may warn and then ban you.

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